Kylie at Horse Camp

My little sister has always loved horses! She has been wanting one for a long time now. This past week she was able to go to a horse camp in Commerce. She had a blast!! I got to go on Friday to see her riding and of course I brought my camera with me. 🙂 I enjoyed getting to see that gorgeous smile on her face. She did so good and clearly loved every minute of it.

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Ok, my sister is getting too old!!! I told her to stop growing but she didn’t listen to me. Man she looks so grown up in these photos. Every few months I have to make her put on a pretty dress and take a few photos and it amazes me how much she changes in just a few short months. And sometimes she doesn’t want to take photos (I know crazy right?) This was one of those times. She just did not want to do anything. So needless to say I got some pretty funny faces from this shoot. I actually cherish these photos of her being stubborn because I am able to capture the many faces of Kylie that I see ALL the time. 🙂 So I hope that you enjoy this less than perfect shoot.

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Oh Kylie 🙂
2014-06-17_0005 2014-06-17_0006 2014-06-17_0007 2014-06-17_0008Nala decided that she wanted to join in the photo shoot

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2014-06-17_0015 2014-06-17_0016 2014-06-17_0017 2014-06-17_0018 2014-06-17_0019 2014-06-17_0020 2014-06-17_0021I LOVE this face!2014-06-17_0022 2014-06-17_0023 2014-06-17_0024 2014-06-17_0025 2014-06-17_0026 2014-06-17_0027

Farm Animals

My baby sister is an outdoors girl! Kylie and I have been raised by the same parents but so differently. Mom and dad are in a different stage of life with her than they were with me and my brother. (There are 16 years between my sister and I.) When I was growing up my dad and I worked on cars and we lived in a small town. I had so much fun rebuilding a beautiful 66 fastback mustang when I was younger. But with Kylie, dad is teaching her to hunt and take care of her farm animals and they live on 100+ acres of land.

She absolutely loves animals of all kinds. This brings me to today’s post, Kylie has a new baby goat. Kylie let me know that one of her goats had a baby, so I decided to go over there and get a few photos of her with her animals. She is so funny, she will go out there are just sit and play with the goats. Me personally, I think that they are stinky and funny looking, but she adores them. 🙂 While I was out there shooting the different goats with Kylie I had one of the animals following me around. She would come right up to me and just stare at me. When I was shooting she actually scared me because I was looking through the camera and did not realize how close she had gotten. When I brought the camera away from my face I saw this huge donkey face right up next to me. I think I actually screamed a little and Kylie busted out laughing at me. Bella, the donkey, continued to follow me around the entire time.

Well, here you go, meet the new baby, Ore.

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I love having a project to work on. I enjoy crafts of all kinds, crocheting, and refinishing furniture. This project has been one that I put off for a long time though because I knew it was going to be very difficult. I started on it a year ago and  I had to put it on hold because I got busy with photo shoots. There were several times that I could have started it back up but I was overwhelmed just looking at it. But I finally started working on it again a couple weeks ago. It still has a ways to go, but I have made some serious progress getting it stripped. (The doors have been especially difficult) Check out my progress so far. I can’t wait to post the after!!!! 🙂

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